Safe Zones has moved to the Clear Path work zone located on I-465/I-69. Click here for more information.

Our Mission
Safe Zones seeks to save workers' and motorists' lives by changing driver behavior at worksites to reduce vehicle speeds and crashes.
Program Overview
Enacted by HEA 1015 during the 2023 legislative session, Indiana Safe Zones is a new program administered by the Indiana Department of Transportation that aims to save lives of motorists and construction workers by reducing vehicle speeds and changing driver behavior at worksites throughout the state. Worksite speed control programs in other states have been effective in slowing traffic and creating safer conditions for motorists and road workers.
Signs will be posted to notify motorists of the detection system’s presence. When the system detects a vehicle going 11 mph or more over the posted speed limit, an image will be captured of the vehicle’s rear license plate.
Once the license plate data is confirmed, a violation will be issued. The pilot program will begin with a pre-enforcement period, during which drivers will receive courtesy notices but will not be fined. After the pre-enforcement period is over, the first violation will result in a zero-fine warning, the second in a $75 civil penalty, and every violation thereafter a penalty of $150. In accordance with the statute, collected penalties will go into Indiana’s General Fund.